
My name is Job de Wit, I am from Amsterdam and I started blogging about music videos in 2009. That was on my previous blog, this new one was launched in late 2016. In the meantime, I’ve taken my love of music videos offline as well, hosting a regular music video night at Amsterdam’s De Balie cinema and even at the Netherlands Film Festival, Amsterdam Dance Event and the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam. My first Fullscreen at Kino Rotterdam is scheduled for 14 December of this year. This could turn into an worldwide enterprise, I realise, and I would be open to that.

I like to be surprised and there is an amazing amount of creativity in music video. There’s also a lot of mediocrity, so I watch a lot of videos to bring you only the outstanding ones. All music videos on this website come highly recommended and I urge you to watch them full screen! They may not always be to your musical taste (they aren’t always to mine either), but they will be beautiful, funny, amazing or otherwise worthy of your attention.

You can find Fullscreen on Twitter and Facebook, and you can also connect with my personal Twitter and Instagram accounts. For the best new music on Spotify I maintain a highly selective playlist (to which I nevertheless manage to add about 15 songs each week). I also publish lists of favourite records on the blog part of the website you’re on now. Oh, and I have a weekly newsletter! It’s in Dutch, but the links are always good, I hear. As a last resort, you can also e-mail me: jobdewit[@]gmail.